
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Random post .

Really really totally random .
I don't have the mood to blog when i'm at home
But when Im in the IT lab , the mood just kicks in . IDK why . LOL

Woke up at 5:30 in the morning today .
First time doing my hair treatment
Gonna have to do this everyday
Thats what you get when you don't listen to mommy
and mess up your hair with multiple times of hair dyeing .

feeling kinda moody now .
I guess it's true when they say
When you're happy , you enjoy the music
When you're down , you understand the lyrics
Hahahahhaha .
awkward LMFAO .

Actually , i have nothing to blog about .
All im feeling now is empty and moody .
Plus , i keep on blasting these sad sad music through my headphones .
Aaargh , so im prolly gonna die as a deaf brokenhearted person .
Hahahahah .
well , lame joke but that certainly cheereed me up * a little .

Anyways , that'll be all for now .